Maybe it’s the summer air, the city buzz, an infectious
smile. Maybe it’s the 21st
December and its’ prophecy regarding the enlightenment of human consciousness. Whatever it is…I am feeling it and embracing
Yes, the summer holiday must have a great deal to do with it
– after a year of hard, head-in-the-sand-like-an-ostrich studying (and
passing), many things seemed to fall into place. Starting a new job, moving into a new home,
starting new hobbies – change was and is,
it seems, the operative word of the day!
I got this beautiful message from a friend today – all about
multidimensional vibrational cleanse.
And I couldn’t help but think that all things that have happened has
brought me to a place where on so many levels I can no longer hold onto
anything. There has been so much change
that life as I’ve known it has completely dissolved and been morphed into…..anything
I want to make it.
It is a deep lesson, a liberating feeling, and the energy
flow that goes along with it is powerful.
My New Year’s wish for you all is a heart which breaks out of
any cages that it may have been caught up in – that you flow into and through
this year with grace and that love may surround and fill you.